What Women Want Chapter Meeting - Perimeter

Thanks to Cathryn Marshall for having me speak at the November 30 Chapter meeting. Topic: Emotional Intelligence! As a member of the Speaker's Board of What Women Want, it was great to be with this group of awesome women!
Marketing Matters

It was great to be interviewed on Ryan Sauers Radio Show, Marketing Matters! Thanks to Jennifer for being part of the team. Listen to the broadcast here.
Marketing Matters - How EQ Impacts Marketing

I was interviewed on Jan. 21 by host Ryan T. Sauers along with Jennifer Matilsky on Marketing Matters about how Emotional Intelligence impacts marketing and communication. Listen on demand.
Suwanee Business Networking

Great group at Suwanee Business Networking talking about 5 skills to empower others.
Core Coaching Skills for Leaders (Illinois)

This is one of two groups trained in core coaching skills for leaders in August! In the feedback gathered, here are two quotes from participants: "Do you want to know how to pull the best out of others? If so, don't miss this training." And "Be prepared to unpack and work. This is real useful information if you are willing to do it." For information on how you can sponsor this workshop for your network, contact me at jane@takethenextstepcct.com.